The future of education: teachers and virtual AI assistants hand in hand?

The modern world of education is undergoing an unprecedented transformation through the use of virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI). As technological developments progress, the question arises as to whether teachers could soon face serious competition from virtual AI assistants.

Virtual reality in education: an overview

Virtual reality in education is no longer science fiction, but a growing reality. VR enables students to immerse themselves in virtual environments that allow them to interactively experience content from various subject areas such as art, geography, biology and chemistry. This technology is used in both K-12 classrooms, vocational education and higher education to enable virtual field trips, immerse students in historically significant events or simulate laboratory environments.

Conversational AI: A new dimension in learning

Conversational AI technologies used in educational environments offer the opportunity to promote personalized and adaptive learning. These systems can respond to the individual needs and learning styles of students, enabling a customized learning process.

Examples from the USA

  • A study by Stanford researchers on VR excursions in the field of climate change found that participants who explored more of the virtual environment built deeper cognitive connections to the scientific content.
  • Anthropology students at Harvard University and Zhejiang University in China used VR to work together on a project. They studied ancient writings at an Egyptian tomb in a VR environment.
  • “Labster” offers virtual lab environments for over two dozen course packages, including physics, life sciences and engineering.

Advantages and disadvantages

The introduction of Virtual AI Assistants and VR technologies in education brings both significant benefits and challenges:


  1. Extended learning opportunities: VR enables immersive experiences such as virtual field trips and interactive simulations.
  2. Personalized learning: Conversational AI can respond to individual learning needs and styles.
  3. Increased efficiency: studies show that VR can accelerate learning.
  4. Global collaboration: VR enables students to work together across continents.


  1. High costs: The purchase and maintenance of VR equipment can be expensive.
  2. Accessibility: Not all schools or students have access to the latest technologies.
  3. Curriculum development: There is a need for improved curricula that effectively integrate VR.
  4. Educational inequalities: The cost of VR technologies could increase inequalities in education.

These aspects must be carefully weighed up in order to make the integration of VR and AI in education effective and fair.

Potential and challenges

While VR offers promising opportunities in education, challenges remain. The cost of the technology and developing curricula that effectively integrate VR are significant barriers. There is also concern that the cost of VR technology could further increase educational inequalities.

The role of teachers in an educational world shaped by AI

The role of teachers will change with the advent of virtual AI assistants, but it will not disappear. Teachers remain central figures in the educational process as they provide irreplaceable human interaction and support that AI cannot currently provide. The combination of teachers and AI technologies can lead to a richer, more diverse and more accessible educational environment.

Teaching from the pupils’ perspective

A lesson from a student’s perspective that integrates Virtual AI Assistants and VR technology could work as follows:

  1. Welcome by the AI assistant: The day begins with a personalized greeting and an overview of the day’s schedule from the AI assistant.
  2. Immersive learning units: For the history subject, students put on VR headsets and go on a virtual excursion to experience historical events up close.
  3. Interactive exercises: In math, students solve problems in a VR environment that visualizes abstract concepts and promotes interactive learning.
  4. Global projects: In social studies, students work with peers from another country. They discuss and work on a project together in a virtual classroom environment.
  5. Feedback and guidance: The AI assistant gives individual feedback, provides support in the event of difficulties and adapts the learning material to the student’s progress.
  6. Reflection and feedback: At the end of the day, the students reflect on what they have learned and give feedback on the VR experience and the support provided by the AI assistant.

This scenario shows how teaching could be made more interactive, personalized and global, with technology taking on the role of a tool and enhancer of traditional learning.


Virtual AI assistants in education could revolutionize the way we learn and provide teachers with new tools instead of replacing them. The challenge is to use these technologies effectively while ensuring that they are accessible to all students.